It would be nice to know how people are getting on visiting Hardys, and I would love to receive details of people’s visits. I will publish any news from Hardy baggers on the Bag Totals page.
I will have to take on trust baggers’ starting Hardy totals, but I will need some basic verifying details of each subsequent Hardy visit. The Contact page tells you how to submit your bagging news. With each bagger’s entry I will include only their name and the area where they live. People can contact each other if they wish, or can seek advice from others on visiting particular Hardys, by e-maiing me with their requests for contacts (see the Contact Page). The Bag Info page lists the availability of Visit Notes from Hardys I have been to. If you send me your visit notes for other Hardys you've visited, I can include them on the Bag Info page (with a credit to the author), to share bagging knowledge and experiences. E-mail them to me, titled VISIT NOTES (see the Contact Page). There are now 344 Hardys (including PORTSEA ISLAND and FOULNESS ISLAND), 135 of which constitute my original core list. The Bagging Table below shows how these break down by country, category and core (nb. PORTSEA ISLAND and FOULNESS ISLAND are still to be added, as English island non-core Hardys) . This mix provides several possibilities for bagging targets, depending on where you live, what your particular interests are and how active you are.
The Bag Totals Page can include any news from baggers..
* includes Channel Islands and Isle of Man To help baggers keep their own record of their Hardy bagging progress, a bagging record is now downloadable (in Word format (2003) so you can adapt it for your own needs if you wish). This does not yet include PORTSEA ISLAND nor FOULNESS ISLAND. An updated version (Word 2010) including these two additional Hardys can be requested (see the Contact page).
Because the criteria for including or rejecting hill ranges are unavoidably subjective (just wait for the Posting feature!), the Hardys High Points Book includes two lists of hill ranges which I have not felt able to include formally for one reason or another.
So, for completeness, these two lists are provided below (as one amalgamated list), with each High Point marked as "reserve" or "rejected", depending on whether I have yet obtained sufficient information to decide on a hill range status against my own criteria (as stated in the Book). I have in fact promoted one "reserve" hill range to Hardy status a while ago, after a visit.
So, for completeness, these two lists are provided below (as one amalgamated list), with each High Point marked as "reserve" or "rejected", depending on whether I have yet obtained sufficient information to decide on a hill range status against my own criteria (as stated in the Book). I have in fact promoted one "reserve" hill range to Hardy status a while ago, after a visit.
Reserve Hill Ranges 40 Rejected Hill Ranges 22 |